
Showing posts from March, 2024


  Sush r uta Internet Image of Sushruta Sushruta, popularly regarded as the ‘ Father of Indian Medicine’ and ‘Father of Plastic Surgery’ for inventing and developing surgical procedures, was probably born during 700 – 600 BC. Some authors mentioned the period as before as 1000 BC. The Sushruta Samhita (Sushruta's Compendium) is considered the oldest text in the world on plastic surgery. It is highly regarded as one of the Great Trilogy of indian Ayurvedic Medicine - the other two being the Charaka Samhita and the Astanga Hridaya , which followed it. Ayurvedic Medicine is considered as the oldest medical systems in the world. Its practice started during the Vedic Period of India dating back to 5000 BC. The term Ayurveda is translated roughly as ‘life knowledge’ or ‘life science’. It emphasizes the holistic way of treatment, incorporating standard medical knowledge with spiritual concepts and herbal remedies for healing as well as prevention o