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             HUGO CHAVEZ             A Profile in Courage -Sitala Prasad Roy Hugo Chavez was born at Sabaneta, Venezuela on 28 July 1954. His father was a poor school teacher. Chavez attended the Venezuelan Academy of Military Sciences, where he graduated in 1975 with a degree in military arts and science. He went on to serve as an officer in the army paratrooper unit. In 1992, Chavez, along with other disenchanted members of the military, attempted to overthrow the government of Carlos Andres Perez. The coup failed, and Chavez was sentenced for two years of rigorous imprisonment. Being undeterred, he formed ‘Fifth Republic Movement’, a revolutionary political party in 1997. Chavez contested the Presidential election in 1998, campaigning against corruption of the government, and promising economic reforms. In 2007 his party was m erged with several other left parties and was renamed as the ‘United Socialist Party of Venezuela’, which he led until 2013 . Chavez too