
Showing posts from February, 2008


1) Paban Mardanya , living at Paira, a small village in the District of Bankura ( Sub-Divn. – Khatra, P.O. – Simlabandh) is perhaps the oldest surviving man of West Bengal . He is 108 plus, but still leads a normal life ~ a life of poverty and struggle. One can gain a lot by listening to his talks, rich in very many experiences. 2) The original idol of Lord Madan Mohan can be seen in a temple at village Paira. The temple is a small one but has got some terracotta work. Elderly people say that the erstwhile priest of Lord Madan Mohan skipped away with the idol from Bishnupur at the dead of night to save it from the Pathan (Moghul?) aggression. After fearful journeys for days through dense forests etc. he finally took shelter at this very small village. There is scope of research on the issue to find the truth.